Thank you for DJ-ing on Election Day!

Payment information

  • Your first payment will be processed and sent within 96 hours.

  • You will receive a link by text to your phone and then be able to choose the channel you get paid through (Paypal, Venmo, Cashapp, Zelle, etc) with no waiting period- unless you choose check or direct deposit, which take a few days.

    • You must use a standard carrier-issued phone number, not a VOIP number (like a Google Voice number).

  • If you are returning your generator to us, you will receive your second payment once your generator has been received and processed.

  • If you have issues with the payment amounts you received, you can send us that information in the “Generator return & payment error issues” portal below.

Generator return instructions

Please review the information below about how to return your generator. Then use the form to tell us if you want to return it and get your deposit back or keep the generator.

  1. Indicate below that you want to return your generator.

  2. We will mail you via USPS a return label, a hazmat return form, and instructions for prepping your return.

  3. Once you have completed the form, you will need to take pictures of all five sides of the box and send them to us so we can send them to Fedex. They will let us know within 3 days if the box will be accepted for return shipment.

  4. Drop the generator off at a Fedex store or arrange a pickup

If we don’t receive the generator back from you by November 29, 2024, we will assume you are keeping the generator and your deposit will not be returned.

Generator return & payment error issues